How My Garden Grows

From this on 4/2010: Container Garden 4.25.10 To this 6/2010: Contained Garden 6.14.10

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plantin' in the Rain, Just Plantin' in the Rain!

Container Garden 4.25.10
Oh, what a wonderous feeling! I'm happy again! Today was an amazing day. I planted some geranium, cucumber, squash, and spinach seeds. I also transplanted tomato, cherry tomato, blackberry, and strawberry plants. All in the rain. The rain really added to my planting experience today and made the rainy day even better.

image Planting picture
I bought plants in these "easy transport" pots. No plastic waste and easier on the plants. Sounded like an amazing idea to me.

image Organic Soil picture Organic soil to grow organic veggies!
Planting picture image
Rocks in the bottom of the planters to help drain water. I read that was helpful somewhere.

I can't wait for delicious fruits and vegetables sans the farmer's market! I might need some better gardening shoes, though......especially for the rain. These little tennies left my feet frozen!
Gardening Shoes picture image


  1. Lady, we need pictures! Do I need to fly out there and smack you upside the head with a digital camera?

  2. No, not a digital camera, but perhaps an instruction manual of how to get my photos from either my phone or onto this blog without crazy formatting results!
