How My Garden Grows

From this on 4/2010: Container Garden 4.25.10 To this 6/2010: Contained Garden 6.14.10

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plantin' in the Rain, Just Plantin' in the Rain!

Container Garden 4.25.10
Oh, what a wonderous feeling! I'm happy again! Today was an amazing day. I planted some geranium, cucumber, squash, and spinach seeds. I also transplanted tomato, cherry tomato, blackberry, and strawberry plants. All in the rain. The rain really added to my planting experience today and made the rainy day even better.

image Planting picture
I bought plants in these "easy transport" pots. No plastic waste and easier on the plants. Sounded like an amazing idea to me.

image Organic Soil picture Organic soil to grow organic veggies!
Planting picture image
Rocks in the bottom of the planters to help drain water. I read that was helpful somewhere.

I can't wait for delicious fruits and vegetables sans the farmer's market! I might need some better gardening shoes, though......especially for the rain. These little tennies left my feet frozen!
Gardening Shoes picture image

The Beginning - Every Story Has One

I love a good challenge, especially when it is a particularly difficult challenge with reasons that I may not succeed. Several months ago when I began a new cooking quest, I had to overcome some seriously daunting family genes. My mom is known in my family for "burning water." She really only allowed it to evaporate and burned the pan, but it's more fun to say she burnt water. Despite, my horrible cooking genes, I have been baking amazing cupcakes (including Christmas cupcakes shaped like penguins) made "from scratch" pumpkin pie, and several of Aunt Lynda's good 'ol fashion Southern Cooking dishes.

So, I'm not going to let the fact that my wonderful mom never kept a plant alive during my childhood keep me from trying! Luckily, I have some family genes on my side. Grahma had tomato plants throughout the summer. I remember eating them right off the vine (Just don't tell Grahma!).

The other challenge I am facing is that my husband and I live in a rental place, and we have no idea when we move. I want to be able to follow these new plants and not have to worry about moving. So, everything has to be planted in containers on our south-facing deck. Also, I'm on a tight budget.

Here are the solutions so far. Luckily the last challenge has already taken care of itself. Home Depot had a buy-one-get-one-free sale on seeds yesterday. And, Lowe's had a sale on organic potting soil. Walmart had seven gallon buckets for five dollars and some fun summer bowls for one dollar. I also got some three-and-a-half gallon buckets for two dollars. I also got some seeds and flower pots with some gift cards to Target that I got for my birthday. Now the only challenge to overcome is the genes from my mom. I think I'll be fine. After all, I have the Internet and the friendly people at Lowe's and Home Depot. What else could a girl need to plan a container garden slightly late in the planting season?

Well, here goes nothing! Let's see if my thumb is indeed green.