I'm planning to plant mostly flowers this year. I may plant a tomato plant or two in the actual yard (as opposed to containers). I'm considering a cucumber plant in the biggest container I have (I think it's about 7 gallons). The squash and the cucumbers seemed to do pretty well, even though they never produced any veggies and they seemed to have some wilting issues in the summer heat.
I haven't completely decided what I will do with the garden this summer, though. Unfortunately, all of the plants from last summer died prematurely. The picture from June is the best of the plants. The tomato plants never grew normal sized tomatoes in the containers.
So, here's my thoughts:
(2) 7 gallon containers: squash & cucumbers
(4) 5 gallon containers: tulips and other flowers
(2) 3.5 gallon containers: herbs and flowers
Tomato plant in the yard
Maybe a blackberry bush in the yard
Here are my questions:
Will tulip bulbs survive the winter in our basement in the 5 gallon containers?
What are the best flowers for my 5 gallon containers?
What herbs do I want to grow?